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Checkmate! Great Champions and Epic Matches From A Timeless Game

SKU: 9788854418691 Supplier: White Star


Author: Ben Graff

Format:  Hardback | 208 pages

Dimensions:  247 x 291 x 26mm | 1.404g

Publication date: 17 Oct 2023

Checkmate! has all the excitement a chess fan could want, from world champions, to history’s most famous matches, to the role of chess in society.

This volume begins by retracing the history of chess through 16 players who have been officially recognized as the greatest world champions—looking at their lives and contributions to the game. The following section describes the most iconic matches, either because of their intensity, the players’ fierce rivalry, or the political conflict between countries, as in the famous match between Russian Boris Spassky and American Bobby Fischer during the Cold War. The final chapter looks at the modern-day chess scene and the rise of artificial intelligence in chess games.


 Checkmate! Great Champions and Epic Matches From A Timeless Game
 Checkmate! Great Champions and Epic Matches From A Timeless Game
 Checkmate! Great Champions and Epic Matches From A Timeless Game
 Checkmate! Great Champions and Epic Matches From A Timeless Game
 Checkmate! Great Champions and Epic Matches From A Timeless Game
 Checkmate! Great Champions and Epic Matches From A Timeless Game
 Checkmate! Great Champions and Epic Matches From A Timeless Game
 Checkmate! Great Champions and Epic Matches From A Timeless Game
 Checkmate! Great Champions and Epic Matches From A Timeless Game